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COVID-19 Update

During these challenging and unfamiliar times, Cagetec will continue to be open for business supporting our loyal and new customers.

As we are a small family business, we wish to safeguard our family, customers, their families and do our bit to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and abide by government requirements.

As of the tomorrow 26th of March, 2020 the following controls will be in place, your understanding is appreciated.

  • Phone calls, emails and text/messenger is the only initial communication accepted
  • Deliveries and pickup will be in conformance to government requirements, including no handshakes and abiding to social distancing practices
  • No entry to workshop or office
  • Customers are asked to purchase via the online store if possible. For products not available on our online store, please contact us and where possible we will make arrangements

The sooner we control this virus the sooner we can get back to enjoying our great lifestyle, your acceptance and conformance to our requirements is appreciated and we hope to be able work through this tough time and continue for years to come.